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Nokia has lowered its expectations

Nokia has lowered its expectations for this quarter. But nevertheless, for the entire year the Finnish producer is expecting an increase of market share in the mobile phone industry.

Nokia announced that the company has lowered the expectations they had for the 3rd quarter of this year. At first the company expected to gain the same amount of market share in the third quarter as they had in the second quarter, but this wasn't the case.

Nokia blames the world-wide decrease of trust consumers are having. Furthermore, Nokia is having a hard time fighting competitors that are offering devices with lower prices. Nokia is not willing to do the same. This is quite remarkable, since Nokia recently announced to lower the prices of their devices.

Nevertheless, the biggest producer of mobile phones is expecting an increase of 10% for 2008, that's about 1,25 billion mobile phones. They try to realize this by introducing new devices that have to boom the sale. On Octorber the 16th Nokia will announce the results of this quarter.
