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Screenshots webOS 2.0 leaked

The second version of webOS is planned to be released this year. Palm's programmers, who operate under the wings of computer company HP, are working on a te new release. Leaked screenshots unveil what they're working on.

Most compelling new option is the integration of webOS with multiple cloud services. In the new version of the operating system, it is possible to to save and use data from Dropbox, Apple's MobileMe, box and Google Docs. The owner of a webOS 2.0 device can even tell which type of data should be save on which cloud service.


HP and Palm

Palm, the creator of webOS, has recently been bought by HP. Before, Palm installed web OS on its Pre. The latest version of the OS will be installed on smartphones and tablets of HP, possible under the old brandname Palm.

Webos2 5Webos2 6
Webos2 8Webos2 9


The leaked screenshots have most probably been made using the SDK, a software suite that can be used by developers to create applications for the new OS. The SDK features an option to emulate the OS an a desktopcomputer.

Source: Forums.precentral.net
