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Pictures 4 inch HTC QWERTY slider leaked

Photo's that allegedly have been taken at the American test institute FCC show a new smartphone with a 4 inch screen. HTC did not yet officially announce the phone, but is rumour has that the company will do so quickly.

Some specifications of the new handset, that only has a codename (PD42100) by now, are already public. The smartphone supports several broadband standards that are used in the US, like CDMA and EV-DO. The built-in wifi module supports the latest 802.11n standard, that makes it possible to reach data speeds up to 300 Mbps over a wireless connection.

Htc 4inchslider


According to Engadget, the new phone will run Android. With a 1.2Ghz processor, this phone will be one of the top models that has Android on board.

Source: Engadget.com
