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Sony Ericsson F305; with no less than 61 games

Sony Ericsson introduced her F305 Fun gaming phone in the end of June, but at that time there wasn't much known about the gaming possibilities. Apparently, Sony Ericsson is adding quite some games.

Good news for gaming fans. The Sony Ericsson F305, Sony Ericssons gaming mobile phone and answer to the constant nagging about a PSP device, is going to be delivered with a special memory card with no less than 50 games. And the phone itself has no less than 11 standard games. This is a lot better than the 3 games Sony Ericsson initially said the F305 was going to get.

Sony Ericsson F305
Sony Ericsson F305 Fun gaming phone

The Memory Stick Micro memory card of 512 MB contains among other things 3D Night Fever, IQ Booster and Extreme Pinball. The 11 pre-installed games are; The Sims 2, Johnny Crash Stuntman Does Texas, Racing Fever GT, Asteroids, Tropical Madness, Lumines, Quadrapop Robotics and Jewel Quest 2. So, you can start gaming right after you bought the device.

The Sony Ericsson F305 is probably available in the 3th quarter of this year. We assume that the device is in stores before the end of this month.


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