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Google releases Android Donut for developers

It is still in an early fase, but a new release for Android has been made public, codename Donut. Developers can already spend their free time on the new release, users have to wait a bit longer.

Developers have the chance to play with it, but it is not made official yet. The new release, codename Donut, has many new specs. Nevertheless, a developer has emphasized that the Donut is not version 2.0 as assumed.

Google geeft Android Donut vrij voor ontwikkelaarsGoogle geeft Android Donut vrij voor ontwikkelaarsGoogle geeft Android Donut vrij voor ontwikkelaars
Screenshots of the new Android Donut

Some of the new specs are the support of gestures, universal search functions, text-to-speech, automatic backups, a new camera application and some new widgets. There is for example a widget that can switch Bluetooth and WiFi on and off easily. It does seem that this version is also not going to have support for multitouch.

Some good news for G1 and Magic users; Donut is also going to be suitable for your device.
