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Nokia refreshes X3 with Touch and Type combination

We have our doubts about Nokia's new naming scheme. Because the name X3 was already in use for another phone (X3-00), Nokia calls this one the Nokia X3-02. Okey, but than where is the X3-01?

You can better forget about that one because we'll never get to the bottom of that. Back to the all new and improved Nokia X3-02. This new phone has a touchscreen and a regular keyboard. Handy for those hard-to-decide days.

Nokia X3-02 Touch and Type
Nokia X3-02; Touch and Type

And with its 9.6 millimeter body the Nokia X3 is one of Nokia's slimmest phone ever! Nevertheless it is equipped with stuff like 3G, WiFi (n) and FM radio.

According to Nokia we can expect the new Nokia X3 in shops this quarter. Expected retail price is around €159.
