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LG leaks several new mobile phones

Some brands just can't keep secrets. LG for example. Today we have two still to be announced LG phones for you. One running Android and the other with Windows Phone 7.

Lets kick off with the LG E900. This will be a newly Windows Phone 7 smartphone. Besides some mugshots we have specs. There still rumours, but something is better than nothing. Apparently the LG E900 uses a new processor running at 1.3 GHz. A speedy phone is thereby guaranteed!

LG E900 Windows Phone 7

Don't believe us? Look how fast the LG E900 really is for your self.

LG E720 Optimus Chic

Leaked from the very same site are pictures of the upcoming LG E720 Optimus Chic. An Android 2.2 Froyo touchphone with matching mid-end specs. Including a 3.2 inch touchscreen with possible WQVGA resolution, 5 megapixel camera, WiFi and GPS. The processor is believe to run at approximately 600 MHz.

LG E720 Optimus Chic Android

No word yet about a possible release date for both phones. Perhaps more info when IFA 2010 starts later this week.

Source: Android.com.pl
