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Palm reveals Treo Pro personally

The Treo 850 that was previous shot on camera has been temporarily found on Palm's own website. But with the name Treo Pro instead.

Credits go to WMExperts, that made images of a Flash demo of the new Treo Pro. The webpage has been removed by Palm, but as usual damage has been done. That's why we can show you the following images:

Palm lekt eigenhandig Treo ProPalm lekt eigenhandig Treo ProPalm lekt eigenhandig Treo Pro
Palm Treo Pro, also known as Treo 850

As is to be seen in the pictures the device will probably have WiFi, a touchscreen, 2 megapixel camera and a 3.5mm stereo headset jack. Other specifications are: a display of 320 x 320 pixels and Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional that runs on a 333MHz processor.

We just have to wait for the official notification of Palm. Apparently they've already done some preparations, so it probably won't take that long!

Source: WMExperts
