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BlackBerry Curve 9300 launched officially

RIM today officially presented BlackBerry Curve 9300 to the world. The new mid-range handset will later be updated to the new operating system BlackBerry 6, and is fitted with wifi N.

The new phone has many similarities with phones that have been launched before in the Curve series, like Curve 8530, but adds 3G support. With a 2 Megapixel camera an a screen resolution of 320 x 240 pixels, this handset doesn't deliver exiting specifications. It thus is clear that RIM intends to reach business users with a low budget with the new Curve 9300.

Curve 9300

BlackBerry 6

The new handset doesn't come with the latest version of BlackBerry's operating system pre-installed, but RIM says the phone is ready for a future upgrade.
