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Palm officially announced the Treo Pro

We actually already knew everything about the Treo Pro, we even got a press release yesterday that got witdrawn later on. Nevertheless, Palm officially announced the Treo Pro.

The Palm Treo Pro smartphone, running with Windows Mobile 6.1, aims clearly at business users. Furthermore, the Treo Pro is the first Palm device that has a built-in GPS receiver.

Palm maakt Treo Pro officieel
The Palm Treo Pro looks very professional

Other specifications are;

· Today display improvements – Search the web directly from the Today display
· New voicemail indication – The buttom in the middle blinks to show the user that they've received a voicemail
· Microsoft Direct Push Technology – Direct connection with Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 SP2 or 2007
· Quad band 3.5G device – The treo Pro is an ideal global device with high-speed UMTS/HSDPA network applications, suitable for companies with an international employee database
· Integrated GPS - Users have access to tickets, route directions and other useful locations

Business looks
The Treo Pro looks quite the same as the Centro, the smaller brother that is mainly produced for consumer use. The Treo Pro has been adjusted at some points. The Treo Pro has an One-touch WiFi button, to make it easy to set up a WiFi connection. Furthermore, the Treo Pro has a ringtone switch, that immediately turns off the ringtone to avoid for example embarrassing moments during meatings.

The Palm Treo Pro is expected to be in stores in September this year. The price will be around €499 incl. tax. (= estimated 392 pounds or 725 dollar). With the Treo Pro you'll also receive an international recharger, micro USB kabel and a stereo headset (3.5mm).
