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HTC Glacier to be a muscleman

Ever thought that smartphone development would slow down after the advent of quick handsets like iPhone 4, HTC Desire and Samsung Galaxy S? Then we've got good news for you. A recently leaked HTC device is a true muscleman.

The device was found by editors of AlienBabelTech.com. A developer seemingly used an online tool to benchmark the new hardware. Afterwards, the benchmark ended up in a database. The results are convincing. The handset is leaving iPhone 4 and HTC Evo 4G far behind.

Dual Core

Rumour has that the new handset wil be powered by a new dualcore snapdragon processor. Pictures if the new smartphone are not yet available, but some specs are already known. The phone will run Android and has a touchscreens that measures 800x400 pixels. We're impatiently waiting for the full specs, and, off course, will keep you updated.

Source: Alienbabeltech.com
