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Samsung behind the scenes not happy with deal Google - Motorola

Although Samsung in an official reaction applauded the purchase of Motorola by Google, announced that it is happy to see that Google defends Android with a full portfolio of patents from Motorola, the company in private circles said something else

Lee Kuhn-hee, the chairman of Samsung Electronics, is said to have had an immediate meeting with executives of his company. He is concerned about the position of Samsung in the mobile market because the company does not have an own operating system nor close links with a software maker.

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Samsung is concerned about recent developments of Android

Kuhn-hee would have referred to companies like RIM, Apple and Google, who now or soon all make their own hardware and software. Nokia also has strong ties to Microsoft. Samsung has Bada-OS, but this system was less well received than phones with Android.

Source: Digitimes.com
