Amazon refuses apps from Germany
German apps are not welcome in the Amazon App Store, the app store for Android from the internet book store. The reason for this is the ongoing conflict over the name "app store" with Apple.
Apple claims a monopoly on the name "App Store". Recently, a judge in the United States decided to delay the case. Meanwhile, Amazon is allowed to continue to use the name. Apple in response filed a lawsuit in Germany. Amazon then decided to block all apps from the country, to prevent legal consequences.

Is "App Store" a generic name? It is the common English term for 'app store'. Can such a common name owned by a company? Apple thinks so, Amazon doesn’t agree. Amazon wants its own App Store on Android a platform to sell content, as it does primarily through its website. The bookseller wants to profit from the rise of smartphones and tablets, and does so with its own app store and its own tablet.