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Nokia introduces an affordable clamshell with the 3610 Fold

Nokia introduced the 3610 Fold; an average but especially affordable clamshell mobile phone for the general public.

The Nokia 3610 Fold is a compact quad band device. The mobile phone has quite a large keyboard that makes the typing of texts very easy. The device also has a second display that shows incoming SMS, calls or a clock.

Nokia kondigt met 3610 Fold betaalbare clamshell aan
Nokia 3610 Fold; affordable design

Equipped with a 1.3 Megapixel camera, that is capable of zooming 6 times, the 3610 Fold has a lot of multimedia possibilities, like music, video and more. The display has 18 bits and can show 262 thousand different colours. The memory of the 3610 Fold can be extended with microSD memory cards till 4 GB. So there is enough room for your pictures, video's and music files.

The Nokia 3610 Fold is expeced to be launched this quarter in two different colours for a price of 125 euro (= 186 dollar or 98 pounds)
