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Sony Ericsson launches Live with Walkman

Sony Ericsson comes with a new Android phone, the Live with Walkman. The device integrates social media and music. The device has a small display of 3.2 inches, and isequipped with a 1GHz processor.

On the Live with Walkman , Sony Ericsson, comes with a special Walkman version of its Android-skin. This focuses on music and social media. The camera on the device is a 5 megapixel one. A dedicated Walkman button gives instant access to musicplayer and consumers can share music directly via Facebook integration, and as well discover songs and appreciate them with a "like".


Sony Ericssons Harold de Kort, Communications Manager in The Netherlands says: "Instead of a musical experience that consists of only one dimension, consumers want seamless and immediate access to new music, combined with the possibility of sharing it and making contact with friends". Live with Walkman will be for sale in the fourth quarter of this year.
