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HTC signs deal with Beats by Dr. Dre

HTC will work with Beats Electronics to improve the audio quality of future smartphones. The Taiwanese brand simultaneously makes an investment in the manufacturer of audio products.

The technique of Beats by Dr. Dre can be found im the next generation of HTC smartphones. The collaborating parties are obviously giving thumbs up to each other. Peter Chou, HTC's CEO makes in reaction to the deal said: "we believe our strategic partnership will provide customers with unbeatable sound on HTC phones. We obsess over every detail of a consumer's mobile experience, and audio is a critical part of that experience"

Orig beatshtc
Jimmy Iovine from Beats, Peter Chou from HTC and Dr. Dre himself

Jimmy Iovine, CEO of the Beats by Dr. Dre is happy as well. He puts the deal in the context of an alleged ‘destruction of audio’: “This represents a critical step in our continued mission to clean up the destruction of audio caused by the digital revolution and reengineer how sound is delivered, so the consumer feels the music the way that the artist intended."
