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Standard for wireless charging set

Within a few years, you can say goodbye to the cabled charger for your mobile phone. A standard has been set that describes how to handle wireless charging. Now we're waiting for te first compatible devices.

Qi, as Wireless Power Consortium (WPC) calls its darling, is designed to enable wireless charging up to 5 volts. Most hone are fairly below that level. By creating a standard, manufacturers want to make it possible that multiple devices of different brands can be charged by a single charger. Partners in WPC are, among others, Nokia and RIM, the creator of BlackBerry.


Qi does its job using induction, a technique that has proofed to work on mobile phones before. Wireless chargers that are sold at the moment can't guarantee compatibility with all phones. By launching a standard and recognizable logo, WPC hopes create clarity in compatibility of charger and mobile phone.
