LG unveils two new Optimus Android smart phones
LG announced two new smart phones. Optimus One and Optimus Chic come with the latest release of Android, 2.2 (Froyo). The Korean company says it will bring out ten more Android phones in the second part of this year.
With the Optimus Chic, LG wants to show that Android is fit as mobile OS for fashion aficionandos. According to the Koreans, Optimus Chic sets a new standard for smart phone design. The phone should challenge the perception that advanced Android devices need to appeal to a 'hardcore tech crowd' to become popular.

Unfortunately, LG does not release the data this 'hardcore tech crowd' is waiting for. In the press release, there is not a word about the processor, nor about internal memory and the camera. More will certainly be released later. We will keep you updated.