Release date Garmin Nuvifone takes some more time
Garmin communicates in a press release that the introduction of the Nüvifone, which was planned for the third quarter of this year, gets delayed.
The reason for this delay is the realization of specific wishes of operators. This realization will take more time than was assumed. Garmin will postpone the introduction to the first half of 2009.
Therefore it doesn't seem that we will see the Nüvifone the first months of 2009. A bit of a disappointment for the iPhone look-a-like that was announced in January 2008.
About the Nüvifone
"The Nüvifone is a one-in-all machine that excels in form and function", says Cliff Pemble, head of Garmin. The user-interface is easy to operate and it's design looks like the iPhone. According to Garmin the Nüvifone will be delivered with installed maps of North-America and East- and West-Europe. A special docking station is available for in cars. When the Nüvifone get's placed in one of these docking stations it automatically switches to the GPS function.