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Webkit browser improves BlackBerry

BlackBerry's browser gets some large improvements with the advent of the sixth version of the operating system of the smartphone. A video that has been published on YouTube demonstrates the performance of the WebKit browser.

The new browser is running on the WebKit platform, which is also used by iPhone and Android handsets. The video shows that the new BlackBerry browser is way ahead on iPhone and Android when looking at new webstandards. Several browser tests were done, demonstrating that browser performance is reasonably better than that of BlackBerry's competitors. The video with has been removed from YouTube due to alleged rule violation.

HTML5 Test

The video showed the new browser running on a 9800 Silder, a model that is yet to be launched. The phone was running a HTML 5 test, in which it scored a total of 208 points, leaving iPhone 4 with 185 points behind and also outperforming HTC Incredible, which scored 151 points. Promising results for a new operating system that is said to be launched this quarter.

Source: Boygeniusreport.com
