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“Apple Watch Series 6 can measure Blood Oxygen Level”

Sensor could recognise COVID-19

The next generation Apple Watch may be equipped with a new sensor. This would allow it to measure oxygen levels in your blood. It could be used to determine whether you have sleep apnoea or early symptoms of COVID-19.

Reports about the Apple Watch Series 6 first appeared at DigiTimes. Apple would have purchased parts from ASE Technology which already has a press release on its website about the collaboration with Apple.

ECG on the Apple Watch.
On the current Apple Watch you can only create an ECG

The future watch would give a warning when oxygen saturation drops below 95%. Dropping below this threshold is an indication that something is wrong. This could be sleep apnoea in which someone temporarily can't breath during their sleep. Corona patients also suffer from a low oxygen percentage in their blood. The sooner this becomes apparent, the sooner treatment can be started preventing lung and heart damage.

Pulse oximeter

The Apple Watch Series 6 is not expected before the end of the year. Indications that Apple's next smart watch is capable of measuring oxygen levels have already appeared in the iOS 14 source code. Apple is not the first to use a so-called SpO2 sensor in its watches. Earlier in 2020 Withings announced the ScanWatch. Garmin also has a number of watches in its range that feature a pulse oximeter, including the vivoactive 4.
