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Microsoft pays mobile apps developers

To give Windows Phone 7 a rocket start, Microsoft is willing to pay developers of mobile apps. Some of them already have been asked to participate. Microsoft offers them tools, development phones and financial support to create applications.

In an attempt to convince programmers to invest time and energy in the new mobile operating system, the software giant is prepared to guarantee revenue, says press agency Bloomberg. If the profit of an application doesn't match expectations, Microsoft will pay the deficit.

Filled application market

The importance of Windows Phone 7 for Microsoft's future on the mobile phone can't easily be underestimated. Earlier this month, Microsoft stopped its own smartphone project KIN.

Therefore, Microsoft does anything to make WP7 a success. A well filled application market at the launch of the first Windows Phone 7 handset is required to make that work. Spending big bucks is Microsofts main strategy to fill the new application market.

Source: Bloomberg.com
