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5 things the iPhone 3G can't do

The introduction of the Iphone 3G was proved to be disappointing. A lot of us expected that the iPhone would be able to do more. A list with 5 things the iPhone 3G can't do.

1. Video calling
Before the introduction of the 3G iPhone the only thing that was known beforehand was the fact that the new iPhone had 3G possibilities. And what do you do with such a quick internet connection? Video calling ofcourse! But, that is not possible.

A big surprise is the fact that the iPhone 3G has no secundairy camera. This is weird, because earlier the rumor spread that there was monitored 'something extra' on the top of the iPhone. Eventually this actually was an extra inductive sensor. If you want to make video calls do the following:

5 dingen die de iPhone 3G niet kan
Gizmodo's solution to video calling with the iPhone 3G

2. Real-time navigation
The new GPS function with A-GPS support is really clever. This could help producers of navigation sofware, you think. But, this is not possible!

Apples SDK agreement says that no other application can be developed that makes real-time navigation possible. Attentive bloggers already noticed that Apples agreement is almost entirely copied from Google's Map software. Is this a mistake? Maybe is Apple working on applying the software itself? However, your WayFinder, Garmin and other navigation devices can't leave your car just yet!

5 dingen die de iPhone 3G niet kan
Don't even think about doing this!

3. Modem function
Wouldn't it be easy to connect your iPhone 3G through Bluetooth to your laptop to use it as a modem? It's not possible!

The current 3G phones all have it, but Apple does the 'think different' tric again. You still have to carry your business phone with you when your travelling. (Your'e not afraid to experiment? Search for Tinyproxy. It should be 'possible' to simulate a modem-function.)

4. MMS
Cool moments are to be captured on camera with your mobile phone. Wanna send the picture with MMS to your friends? Not possible!

The iPhone 3G can't, just like its forerunner, MMS. No pictures or sounds can be send to friends or collegea's. And that's too bad, because MMS is (becoming) pretty popular. Apple is just not willing to give in and is being nostalgic with it's retro iPhone.

5 dingen die de iPhone 3G niet kan
MMS on the iPhone 3G looks kind a like this

5. Copy-paste functionality
How easy would it be to copy a text or parts of it and paste it? As is called "copy-pasting". Easy to avoid RSI, saves time and avoid mistakes! But, you'd probably already guessted: the copy-pasting on the iPhone: not possible!

And it's weird imagining Apple did it's own copy-past tric with the iPhone 3G. It's almost identical to the first generation iPhones.

Apple is probably thinking that it's text-input method is great. We have to admit: it works just fine, but we, people, are a bit lasy. We these days are not yet born with a CtrC+V button but its close.
