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LG GW620; LG’s first Android device

Look what we just found; the very first Android phone from LG! The LG GW620 Eve is the second Android handset with full QWERTY keyboard.

As the biggest competitor of Samsung it's no surprise that LG is busy with Android handsets. Afterall, they promised us three Android handsets before the end of the year. Well, the GW620 Eve is the first one!

We digged up the very first specs of the LG GW620 Android;
* 320 x 480 pixels resolution display
* Full QWERTY keyboard


Unfortunately, that's all for now. The corresponding User Agent Profile we found doesn't mention anymore info. But, we think we can safely add touchscreen to the list. That's because the iPhone family, Palm Pre, HTC Magic and Hero also work with the same display resolution.

Source: NieuweMobiel.NL
