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Mio announces GPS phone with two faces

Mio, navigation device manufacturer, announces a two-sided GPS phone; the Leap K1. On one side it's a phone, while the other side houses a navigation device!

This phone was introduced by Mio on the Computex in Taiwan. On one side it is a regular phone with small OLED screen and numeric keyboard, of the other side it is a GPS navigation device with large touchscreen.

Mio kondigt GPS telefoon aan met twee gezichten
Mio Leap K1; phone and GPS device in one

The built in GPS receiver listen to 20 chanels and passes his information to the pre-installed MioMap 2008 software. This software also has a special pedestrians mode. Furthermore the K1 has a built in 2 megapixel camera and Bluetooth functionality.

But there is more; what do think of a 400 MHz Samsung processor, 2 GB internal memory, A-GPS and a battery with 5 hours of talktime.

Price and availability are not yet known.
