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Surprising: Samsung Galaxy A01 Core gets replaceable battery

We've gotten used to it by now: you can't change phone batteries anymore. In reality it turned out we don't need it as often as we thought. Many manufacturers, including Samsung, had already abandoned it. And yet the upcoming Galaxy A01 Core will have a replaceable battery.

The type number of the Galaxy A01 Core tells us its an extremely simple and therefore affordable smartphone. And when we say cheap, we think of plastic. The advantage of this is that you can easily take it apart. Handy to replace the battery. And exactly that seems to happen with the A01 Core.

Bluetooth SIG Galaxy A01 Core
Bluetooth certification of the A01 Core

Samsung not only brings back the replaceable battery, the name 'Core' is also revived. We haven't seen it in a long time. Its previously released Bluetooth approval already showed that the device may have a MediaTek processor with 1 GB of RAM. From this we can tell it is most likely an Android Go device. The replaceable battery has an expected capacity of 3000 mAh. We are still waiting for an announcement.

Launch Galaxy A01 Core

Don't expect it to be sold everywhere. There may only be a future for this Samsung Galaxy A01 Core in emerging markets. His bigger brother the Galaxy A01 underwent the same fate. That also did not come to shops everywhere.

Als eerste de Samsung Galaxy A01 Core hebben?

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