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New BlackBerry 9670 and the Bold 9800 both filmed

We have recently seen images of both the oddly designed 9670 clamshell as the Bold 9800 slider. Opinions vary. Both devices are quite oddly designed concerning Blackberry. How do both of them perform on film?

You'll find out soon enough, just click on 'play'. Especially the 9670 video is most interesting. Not just because of showing the device, but also due to the demo of the new OS 6. Until now we only knew what RIM had told us about the device. Finally, we see "realtime" action.

The long and text-only menulists have finally been provided with icons and other eye-candy.

The clip of the new Bold 9800 is shorter. During the 14 seconds film we find a slickly designed device named the Bold 9800.

We will continue to update all news regarding the new Bold 9800 and the 9670.
