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Is this the Nokia 5900 XpressMusic?

Last week we spotted the presumable successor of the 5800 XpressMusic on a Chinese website. Whether this is really the Nokia 5900 XpressMusic or not remains unclear.

It is looking quite fine. The '5900 XpressMusic' has some similarities with the new pride of LG; the KM900 Arena, like touch sensitive buttons on the bottom of the touchscreen.

Is dit de Nokia 5900 XpressMusic?Is dit de Nokia 5900 XpressMusic?Is dit de Nokia 5900 XpressMusic?Is dit de Nokia 5900 XpressMusic?

According to the source the device has a 3.5 inch touchscreen, a 5 megapixel camera and of course a 3.5 mm audio jack. The device is also thinner than the 5800 XpressMusic.
