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Surprise! BlackBerry 9670 Clamshell emerged

Didn't we recently say not to expect many surprises from RIM, we take back these words after seeing images of this Blackberry device.

Presumably we are looking at images of the BlackBerry 9670 which has been designed as a Clamshell. A Clamshell is familiar to RIM, the BlackBerry Pearl 8220 is also a Clamshell. But this one looks rather quaint.

BlackBerry 9670 Clamshell

This is due to the full keyboard, while the Pearl 8220 was equipped with SureType. Hence the device is wider then other Clamshell devices. Anyway, it does optimally protect the screen.

Furthermore we see the new version 6 of the OS. According to the source, the 9670 will be available as of Q3.

Source: Thecellularguru.com
