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Calgary and Ironman first Motorola Android devices?

Motorola is one of the first members of the group behind Android. Nevertheless we haven't seen any devices of the Americans that use the new operating system. Until last week!

According to the latest rumours the 'Calgary' is supposedly the first Android powered smartphone of the Americans. The device is aiming at social networks and it is therefore no surprise that the device has a full QWERTY keyboard.

Wordt de Calgary het eerste Motorola Android toestel?
Motorola Calgary

The Ironman is also one of the new devices that, according to the source, also has the Android OS. Although the screen shots show similarities with the newest Windows OS.

Calgary en Ironman eerste Motorola Android toestellen?
Motorola Ironman

The Ironman, that has nothing to do with the movie "Iron Man", has a full QWERTY keyboard, WiFi, 3G features and a powerful processor.

The devices will be in stores by the end of this year. The Calgary will probably be in stores the third quarter.

Source: Boygeniusreport.com
