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Apple iPhone 14 may come September 13

Apple usually announces its next generation of iPhones in September. That should come as no surprise. But we now have a possible date when Apple will announce the iPhone 14. Perhaps Tuesday, September 13, 2022.

This date was mentioned by iDropNews. They reportedly learnt that Apple will announce "something" in week 37. And since Apple usually holds press events on a Tuesday, that results in the date of September 13.

Tim Cook about iPhones
Will Tim Cook announce new iPhones on September 13?

There is not much evidence if you ask us. If Apple does hold a keynote on this date, it most likely has an audience for the first time in years. Because of Corona, this was not possible for a long time resulting in broadcasting keynotes online. Apple used a format that was liked by many because of its slick production.

AirPods Pro 2 and Apple Watch Series 8

Should Apple indeed announce the iPhone 14 on September 13, it will not be the only product launch. The iPhone 14 Pro, iPhone 14 Pro Max and the new iPhone 14 Max are also expected to be announced. This automatically means the end of the mini model.

The source further suggests that Apple may also announce the AirPods Pro 2. These may get an entirely new look without the famous stem. There is also a chance that the Apple Watch Series 8 will see the light of day. Three different versions may be released; a regular, an SAE, and an Extreme Edition. If this rumour is true, it promises to be a packed event.
