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Samsung renames the S5230 to Star and S5600 to Preston

Samsung is not a huge fan of series numbers anymore, but likes names. Much easier to remember! Well, it is starting to become a bit confusing, with names like Omnia, TouchWiz, UltraTOUCH, Pixon, Ultra S, Beat DJ, INNOV8, Soul, etc

This week it were the S5230 and S5600 that got their own names. The S5230 is now called the 'Star', and the S5600 'Preston'.

Both devices are somewhat cheap touchscreen phones that have the well known TouchWiz interface. They are a good alternative for the LG Cookie, that is being sold a lot these days.

Samsung S5230 Star
Samsung S5230 Star

The big difference between the Star and Preston is the fact that the Preston has 3G internet. But the display of the Preston is smaller than the display of the Star; 2.8 inch vs 3.0 inch.

Samsung S5600 Preston
Samsung S5600 Preston

Samsung announced that the S5230 Star has been sold 2 million times. The Samsung S5600 Preston is not for sale yet.
