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HTC brings affordable but premium Desire C

Not only has HTC eye for the high end One series, also the more affordable models aren't forgotten. The new HTC Desire C rocks Beats Audio, runs the latest Android version and is packed in a premium casing.

This pretty much sums up the HTC Desire C. Don't get fooled by the 'Desire' name that was earlier used for the more high end phones. Ever since the introduction of the Desire S that name isn't used for high end products.

HTC Desire C overview
HTC Desire C overview

Don't let that be a disappointment, the Desire C is still one good looking phone. The 3.5 inch display seems small, but don't forget that the iPhone uses the same diameter. The processor runs at 600 MHz and should be enough for everyday use. The 5 megapixel camera uses a fixed focus lens and unfortunately lacks a flash.

Beat Audio Technology

The Desire C is equipped with Beat Audio. You don't need fancy expensive Beats headsets, your own buds can be used instead. Just like with its pricy One series you get 25 GB of free Dropbox space. But only for two years.

You can grab a Desire C in Polar White, Flamenco Red or Stealh Black. Expect this device to hit market around June. Retailprice is expected at 229 EURO including taxes but without contract.
