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Firmware Update Friday - Week 16 2012

It's time to say goodbye to some nasty old bugs! This week a firmware update for the HTC One X

HTC One X - 1.28.401.9

HTC brings an update to One X, which came to the market this month. Due to a software bug, the phone had problems with the battery life. That should be solved with the new version of the firmware for this phone. There were also problems with the screen, which would sometimes display streaks that do not belong there. The software update should resolve that problem as well.


The battery problem was related to how the 3-Tegra processor in the phone is been used. It has built-in saving-options, but these were not used correctly by HTC. The update is available Over The Air, and is provided automatically. Given the size it is recommended to update over a WiFi connection.

Stay up to date and see you next week for a new firmware update friday!
