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Microsoft announces event

Just after Apple's news regarding the announcement on Thursday of the iPhone OS 4, Microsoft planned a press event to 'share' something with us. Will the company from Redmond finally 'share' Project Pink with us?

It does seem like that! Let's first refresh your memory. The rumours regarding a Microsoft developed phone, date from a while ago. We then talked about a Zune phone, which quickly became Project Pink. Mysterious phones as the 'Turtle' and 'Pure' with a wayward and social character, more then a hazy picture and this information was not available.

Microsoft event

However it seems that April 12th is the day that Microsoft will reveal more about the project. We don't know much yet, but it seems that the phones will have a strong 'social character' with integration of social networks. The 'Project Pink' phones will succeed the Sidekick's. It's not uncanny as Microsoft took over the company Danger in 2008 which was responsible for the Sidekick phone.

Source: Engadget.com
