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Firmware Update Friday - Week 15 2012

It's time to say goodbye to some nasty old bugs! This week a firmware update for the Nokia 700, 701 and 603

Nokia 700, 701 en 603 - Nokia Belle FeaturePack 1

Nokia rolls out an update for the Nokia 700, 701 and 603. The update is called Belle Feature Pack 1, and comes with a number of significant improvements The processor speeds up from 1 GHz to 1.3 GHz, a speed gain of thirty percent. In addition, the new version of the OS comes with an number of improvements to your phone.

Nokia 700 (links) en 701

The notification area of ​​Symbian Belle has received an update, the browser is updated and the phone now supports Dolby Digital Plus. The promised apps from Microsoft, including Exchange for Symbian, also come with the new version. The update is available Over The Air. Through the software update menu on your phone, you can see whether the new firmware is already there for you.

Stay up to date and see you next week for a new firmware update friday!
