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Number of apps for Windows Phone rising rapidly, 100,000 in sight

App developers seem to find their way to Windows Phone. The mobile platform from Microsoft got 82,000 apps in stock. Not shocking in comparison to Android and iOS, but the Windows Phone Marketplace is growing rapidly.

The first months of this year there were nearly 30,000 new apps in, which makes it easy to predict that the Windows Phone Marketplace at the current rate of growth will get to the magical milestone of 100,000 apps in six weeks. The Android Marketplace with 450,000 apps and iOS with 500,000 iOS are still much larger.

nokia with windows phone concept 2

The interest for the mobile platform is a boost for Microsoft and the major hardware partner for the software giant, Nokia. These companies invested a lot of money in Windows Phone. The success of the project largely depends on the will of developers to create apps for the platform.

Source: Allaboutwindowsphone.com
