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iPhone 4G screen emerged

This wouldn't be news for any manufacturer, but as this concerns an Apple screen, this is big news! Especially the screen of the new iPhone.

&utmWell, that is what the source claims. The screen appears to be a bit larger than that of its predecessor; the 3GS, but we knew that already. Noticeable is the extra slot on the top rim. Will this extra slot serve a for a secundary camera for videocalling?

The extra slot may be needed because of a different screen resolution. Rumours are going around....as the current resolution of 360x480 pixels is not of this time anymore. Talks about an iPhone HD are fact, with a possible resolution of 640 x 960 pixels.

And ofcourse, the new iPhone would be equipped with its own A4 processor, which Apple has placed in the iPad. According to the site of Engadget the new iPhone will be introduced on June 22nd. Don't take this information too seriously as you can never know with Apple.

Source: Engadget.com
