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"Google wants to resell Motorola - excluding patents"

Google has never made a secret of the reason for the purchase of phone manufacturer Motorola: it wanted the patents of the company. That the company also makes phones is, more or less irrelevant. Now, Motorola is said to be for sale.

Search engine company Google needs patents of mobile communications thechniques to defend Android against patent claims by Apple. Google now makes phones themselves, although indirectly through its subsidiary Motorola, much to the distress of Samsung and HTC, companies with Android phones with key positions in the market. Google sees no reason to Motorola in house.

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Huawei is said to be interested in the smartphone division of Motorola

Google reportedly paid $ 12 billion for Motorola Mobility. Stripped of the patents, which Google keeps of course, the Chinese Huawei is one of the most prominent candidates to take over Motorola, reports The Wall Street Journal. Sales of Motorola would serve the interests of Google, believes the newspaper.

Source: Phonearena.com
