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"Angry Birds-maker Rovio refuses offer of 2 billion"

Did you think the recent acquisition of Instagram by Facebook for 1 billion dollars was a lot? It is said that Rovio, the creator of Angry Birds, refused an offer of 2 billion.

The multibillion offer was submitted by Zynga, a big game maker, which is known for Facebook games like Farmville. The Finnish Rovio became famous with Angry Birds, now available for many mobile platforms. Recently, Rovio itself started acquiring companies. The company doen’t want te be eaten, it wants to eat.

Eén van de recentste Rovio-hits: Angry Birds Space
One of the latest hits from Rovio: Angry Birds Space

Recent years, smartphones became increasingly powerful, so they could render games with detailed graphics, spawning a multibillion mobile gaming market.

Source: Dealbook.nytimes.com
