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LG KG810, new slim clamshell from LG

The KG810 is the second device after the KG800 that is shown in the past few weeks. The new device is made within the same concept as the KG800 but in a different formfactor.

The formfactor is clamshell and the specifications are completely the same with respect to the new KG800. Only a FM radio is added to the new LG clamshell. The device also has a touch-sensitive keypad under the external screen, which means that there are no real keys but that you have to press the touch-sensitive indicators. The device will have a 1.3 Mpixel camera, MP3 player, Bluetooth, USB Mass storage, 128 MB of internal memory and a really slim and small design.

When the complete specifications of the device such as the dimensions, battery times and weight are available we will put the new device onto our website. Until that time you can check out the pictures below showing you the new device.

KG810 01
KG810 02
KG810 03
KG810 04
KG810 05
KG810 06
KG810 07
KG810 08
KG810 09
KG810 10

Source: Mobil.idnes.cz
