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Nokia E71 and E66 receive free navigation

Are you walking around with a Nokia E71 or E66 in your pockets? As of today you can download the new Ovi Maps to navigate from A to B for free. Did we mention yet that it is for free??

The lovely people at Nokia give away the new Ovi Maps for free; the Navigation App by Nokia with spoken instructions for car and walking.

Whoever wants to get Ovi Maps for the E71 or the E66 has to follow three steps;

1. Download Ovi Maps via nokia.com/maps to your PC.
2. Install the application via Ovi Suite to your phone
3. Go to the 'Applications' file and start Ovi Maps!

Ovi Maps download for Nokia E71

If you are not downloading the latest Ovi Maps then the programme will charge you 9,99 EURO per year. You can keep this money in your pocket by downloading the new version.

Earlier devices

De E72, N97 mini en X6 were ready for the free Ovi Maps. After the announcement, Nokia promised to give away devices with free navigation to support more phones.
