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Orange introduces supperclub SPV Limited Edition to Dutch market

The look-a-like C600 smartphone with special supperclub package is now available in the Netherlands and is ment for people that want to be up-to-date with the latest trends.

Chill with the new supperclub SPV is the main idea behind the new SPV device from Orange. The white device in supperclub looks is introduced in the last days and will only be available for a sort time. Next to that there will be only 100 devices available, so be quick if you want to have one.

The specifications of the new device are the same as the well-known SPV C600. Only the looks have changed. On the sides you will find markings related to the supperclub and on the back there is a big brandsign from the supperclub.

The complete package is a special white leather cubus which consists of supperclub content, 10 free tracks, Dutch Orange Free package, Orange welcome package and free use of Orange Premier, Orange to Orange calls and Orange world.

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Unfortenately the device will only be available in the Dutch region the upcoming months. Maybe other countires will follow soon that is not quite sure at this moment. The device can only be ordered including an Orange free package. Seperate sales of only the device are not possible.

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For more information about the supperclub SPV Limited Edition click here or check out the video of the new product!
