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Images leaked of the Nokia N8-00 12 megapixel?

Sometimes leaked images are hardly worth while looking at, except for these. We are looking at the Nokia N8-00 12 megapixel flagship with Symbian^3!

At least, that is what the source makes us want to believe. We do, because the images are similar to the earlier emerged render-images of this device. Ladies and Gents; behold the Nokia N8-00 with 12 megapixel camera and Symbian^3

Nokia N8 front

Not enough? What to think of a 3.5 inch capacitive touchscreen, 720p HD video recorder, Xenon flash and HDMI port. We can't make it more high-end than this.

Nokia N8 back

The sides have also been captured on film and they reveal that the N8-00 has a hardware camera and an unlock-key as well as a memory card slot.

Nokia N8 sides

Let it be clear; Above all Nokia wants to reclaim her lost marketshare to Apple and HTC. As far as we are concerned this will happen, looking at this device.

Source: it168.com
