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3D drawing shows Apple iPhone 16 Pro with Capture Button

The year seems to have barely begun, but the next-generation iPhone is already popping up in our rumour section. At the time of writing, it is March, meaning September is still far away. That is the month when Apple usually announces new iPhones like this iPhone 16 Pro.

At first glance, the iPhone 16 Pro looks like an iPhone like no other. Apple is cautious about making changes. Yet there are slight differences. For example, a button will be added, and the size will be larger.

Apple iPhone 16 Pro 3D CAD drawing
Early CAD drawing of the iPhone 16 Pro

According to the website that published this CAD drawing, the size comes out at 149.6 × 71.4 × 8.4 mm. While the dimensions of the iPhone 15 Pro are 146.6 × 70.6 × 8.25 mm. Whether this means the iPhone 16 Pro will get a larger screen size than the usual 6.1 inches remains to be seen.

5x zoom and Capture Button

The source further claims that the iPhone 16 Pro will get a 5x zoom camera instead of 3x as on the iPhone 15 Pro. Previously, you had to buy a Pro Max model to get such zoom levels.

iPhone 16 Pro with Capture Button
New Capture Button under the power button

Looking at the device from its side, we see a bigger Action Button and that looks like a new button. This button is found on the same side as the power button but is recessed into the side. This button is called the `Capture Button` and is primarily used by the camera. It appears to be a touch-sensitive button, perhaps to control the zoom level via a sliding motion or as a shutter button.

Apple is not expected to announce the iPhone 16 series until the fall, generally in September. Anything could happen until then. Still, it is increasingly common for iPhone news to leak very early. For example, photos of the iPhone 15 Pro with a USB port surfaced as early as February.
