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A purple Nokia E72; why so serious?

We've known the Nokia E72 mainly as Nokia's business phone en true successor of the E71. If we think business, black and grey come to our minds, certainly not purple. However, this is what Nokia seems to do.

We have proof in the form of images. We certainly can't help it, but we are thinking of The Joker's purple suit, the one from Batman. We can hear Nokia thinking, why so serious? Well no!

Nokia E72 purpleNokia E72 purple
A real purple E72

Whether we will actually in Dutch stores and webshops remains the question. It is 'Interesting' though. For those who want to know more about the Nokia E72, read our new E72 review.

PS. The images have been shot with a N97 mini.

Source: Nokialb.com
