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Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra users report GPS problems

But not all is lost

Several users of a Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra are reporting problems with GPS. As a result, the device is unable to determine its location. On a Samsung forum the complaints are pouring in, however, a simple work-around is available.

A simply reboot of the S22 Ultra seems to be enough. For now until Samsung fixes the problem with a software update. Something that seems only a matter of time because the complaints are piling up on Samsung's very own forum

Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra sleeping
S22 Ultra with GPS problems could use a guide dog

Most users see a message that reads: "searching for GPS". GPS is the abbreviation for Global Positioning System; a worldwide network of satellites to determine your exact location. Indispensable when using navigation apps. The problem seems to occur after prolonged inactivity and can be fixed with a simple reboot. Why of the S22 series only the Galaxy S22 Ultra is affected is something we can only speculate about.

GPS bugfix

As far as we can find out, Samsung has not yet officially responded to the above problem. Given the temporary remedy, it seems that a bugfix in the form of a software update will offer solace. When this will come is unknown. The Ultra is the most elaborate S22 model and thus of important enough for Samsung to get to work quickly.
