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OnePlus gets new logo

Flatter, clearer, more boring

The Chinese flagship killer gets a new logo. You'll recognise it immediately because not much has changed.

OnePlus has been using the same red logo since 2013. A number one surrounded by a square with a plus sign. To the right is written in full; OnePlus. Simpel and clear you would think. Yet some people did not immediately see a '1' in the logo because the new logo makes a better distinction.

New and old OnePlus logo
Above the new and below the old OnePlus logo

Also, the logo is black from now on. At least, that's the intention. The company submitted its new logo to the American USPTO; the US Patent and Trademark Office. The logo will be officially announced today, Wednesday the 18th of March, and is part of a whole new corporate identity. Expect to see the logo frequently on upcoming OnePlus phones such as the upcoming announcement of OnePlus 8 and 8 Pro with 5G support.

Brand Visual Identity (VI)

Earlier CEO Pete Lau wrote a blogpost in which he announced that OnePlus is working on a new corporate identity. This new corporate identity, or Brand Visual Identity 'VI', will be officially announced on Wednesday the 18th of March. The logo is in line with the recent trend of Flat Design, but due to the lack of colour it is less striking and even a bit boring.

Update OnePlus just announced its new corporate identity with the renewed logo. Contrary to earlier written here the logo is the same colour red as before. Besides flatter OnePlus uses a new font that is easier to read. Next to the familiar red also expect the colours yellow, green, magenta, cyan and indigo to give it more contrast. OnePlus says to have worked a total of 7 months on its new corporate identity.
