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Nokia N95 with Windows 3.1

A Polish developer has succeeded in using Windows 3.1 on a Nokia N95. Unfortunately, no one was waiting for this, but we have to admit; it is funny.

Forget Windows Mobile 6.5! The Polish developer Marcin-PRV must have been thinking this while installing Windows 3.1 on a N95. Using a special program he succeeded in getting his N95 with Symbian S60 dual-boot with Windows 3.1.

Nokia N95 met Windows 3.1
Setup screen
Nokia N95 met Windows 3.1
Windows 3.1 home screen
Nokia N95 met Windows 3.1
Nokia N95 met Windows 3.1
It's no problem to open more than one screen

We do not really see the added value for a N95, but it's a good proof-of-concept.

Via: OSNews
