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LG shows many new phones

LG has introduced a few new phones today, at her HQ in Amstelveen; the Pure, KS365, GU230, GT400, GT405 and the Panther 5. Time to get acquainted.

Below models have been shown at LG's annual Dealerday for which we were invited. In the meantime this day is known for the introduction of new models to the public as this year was no exception.

LG Pure

The LG Pure is especially interesting for people wanting a phone for mainly calling. Little add-ons, no touchscreen, but absolutely no cheap appearance. LG succeeded with this classy Pure.

LG Pure OpenLG Pure Closed

The LG Pure has a slide button on the side to simply turn the device on "silent". Handy when going into a meeting.

LG KS365

It may not be a surprise that the KS365 is the successor to the KS360 which we mainly know as the messaging-phone. The KS365 may be described this way. Due to the sliding QWERTY keyboard and several messaging-possibilities as threaded sms view.

LG KS365

LG GU230

Designed as a compact slider, the GU230 must appeal to the female public. The phone functions are to be called simple; 1.3 megapixel camera and a built-in FM radio receiver.

LG GU230

LG GT400

Also new is the LG GT400. This model stands out because of the many functions it has; fast internet (HSDPA), 3 inch touchscreen with scratchresistant glass and a 5 megapixel camera. The widgets which can run on this device are also interesting.

LG GT400

LG GT405

Comparable to the GT400 is the GT405. It is not clear yet what exactly is different to this device, except the appearance. The exposed model was a dummy, so we cannot say anything about the differences yet.

LG GT405

LG Jaguar 5

And finally, in the "simple" category we show you the Jaguar 5. Presumably LG will create a petname for it, so the name will not stay. It concerns a simple, yet stylish candybar phone with a thickness of only 11 millimeters.

LG Jaguar 5

When the above devices will be available is not yet known.
